Sanity during COVID-19

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Most of us are staying home not knowing how our days are starting and how are they ending.  Moving back and forth not knowing what to do and it feels like we are all on the verge of losing our minds.  It might feel like time is ticking slowly and our stress is peaking. 

But stop! This should not be the case since COVID-19 has given us the golden opportunity to look at life differently without all the daily chaos we are used to. In this post, I will provide you with 5 steps to follow that helped me and my family stay sane in the times of lockdown. 

Step 1: Create Your Own Schedule

Staying up late and sleeping in will only make you feel worse.  We as humans love to have a sense of being productive and lying on our couch all day long feeling tired will only bring us down.  So, the first rule I made is to follow a schedule.  I wake up early as if I am going to work and start my day the same way I would during normal times.   Put a schedule on how my day will go and try to follow it.

Step 2: Read a Book

How long has it been since you had time to finish a book in one week due to your hectic lives?  Instead of spending your time on social media which makes us more anxious about all the COVID-19 stories, it’s a nice idea to pick up a book and commit to finishing it in one week.  Reading will take your mind off the stressful reality we are living in and give you a sense of serenity.

Step 3: Connect with your loved ones

Although we are physically distant from our friends and even family, this does not mean we should lose our connections with the people we love. Stay connected, check in on your friends, try to hold regular conversations daily that do not have to do with COVID-19 virus, have an online game night with your friends. Apart from that, connect with the people around you. That can be your family or your local grocer. Humans are social beings, and connection and communication are important now more than ever. 

Step 4: Play Board Games

After dinner, instead of watching TV, you can select a board game where all family members enjoy and play it.  This will pass time quickly and bring laughter and joy to your life.  It will help us relieve stress and enjoy our family’s company.

Step 5: Enjoy a walk around your neighborhood

Exercising is essential for our well-being. So it is important to dedicate a minimum of 30 minutes per day to enjoy a walk around your neighborhood.  It will make you feel better and make you feel good about yourself.

The above are only simple ways to stay sane during these hard times. What are you doing to get by during this epidemic? 

Stay Home! Stay Safe 😊


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Mirna Mneimneh

Former Head of Strategic Partnerships


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