How to Stretch your School’s Tech Budget


One thing we can agree on is that technology is indispensable; 2020 has taught us that well. I mean sure, we all used technology in our classrooms before and it was beneficial. The casual Prezis here and there, maybe the Kahoots. It was a fun little breather every now and then. Today, however, we are truly benefiting from technology in education. There are tools and platforms out there that can emulate your classroom experience and allow you to pick up where you left off. 

But… What do you do if your school doesn’t have a lot of room in its technology budget? Here are 7 things you can do to get the most value out of technology in your classroom with a tight budget. 


1- Look for platforms that offer an annual subscription

Subscribing month to month can feel a bit uneasy - you aren’t sure when the day would come when someone would come into your office and tell you they’re cutting your favorite platform out of the budget. You can find a way around that by going for the annual subscription. Firstly, you pay less per month as you would have if you subscribed monthly. Secondly, education is not a short-term project; it needs dedication and most importantly, time. You need both to see results in your classroom. Thirdly, you build a relationship with the edtech provider, as we are all humans behind our job titles, and we grow and improve as we become closer. 


2- Look for services that can multitask

This is kind of like the sales you see so often, buy one to get one free: efficiency. It would make more sense to purchase an e-learning product that has messaging and homework than to purchase an e-learning product that only has messaging. For example, Arabic teachers universally have a very small technology budget in comparison to other subjects. At Kamkalima, we have grown our array of services to include listening, comprehension, creative writing assignments with reporting, and a professional development program. Look for the 2 birds with one stone. 


3- Fight for what you want

It has happened many times before when you see the value in a tool and the principal doesn’t. Do not allow this to frustrate you as this is only normal. If you see value in a product, and can envision yourself using it to empower your class, SHOW that value. Do it through scheduling a meeting to talk about it, making a short presentation about it, sharing brochures or testimonials from other companies. Sometimes you have to fight for things that are worth it. 


4- Ask for discounts

If all else fails, ask for a discount. There is nothing wrong with wanting to get your money’s worth. Ask for a discount if you see a value in a product. Almost always, you will get a positive response. Remember that you and the company behind the tech product you want have the same end goal: bettering the status of education. In the same way you meet for that goal, you can meet in the middle for the price. 


5- Make the most out of the product

That means really getting to know the budget, and getting the most value out of it. Watch the demos, join the teacher communities using the product, talk to their support, be involved in the product you use. When you do this, two things will happen: (1) you will get your money’s worth. And (2) the company will recognize your efforts and will reward you and honor your efforts. 


6- Share the impact

It has happened so many times with Kamkalima’s teachers. Their schools would have a tight budget but still manage to subscribe to us, then at the end of the year - their principal contacts us to ask for the impact to assess the power of Kamkalima in their classrooms. Luckily, our reporting tools can prove our value and secure a renewal. But don’t wait until that happens: be proactive. Assess how your classroom has improved by using this tool, and SHOW it to those involved. Otherwise, they are more willing to cut it out of the budget. 


7- Plan for next year

“It’s just not in this year’s budget” we’ve heard this too many times. The way I see it, there’s an opportunity here: I can propose this for next year’s budget. If there simply isn’t a way to purchase education technology this year, then make sure it’s on next year’s budget! Do your research, shuffle some expenses with your department, pitch an increase in budget for next year. It is never too late to integrate technology. 

And remember, do not get frustrated. Just as it took time for you to warm up to technology, it will take time for your administration to do the same. The result however will be the same: utter transformation of the learning journey. 

If you would like to talk about how Kamkalima would fit into any school budget, drop us an email at or register for a free trial today at


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